Remote Recruitment,

Hire remote employees with confidence. Set up skills assessments in minutes, customize your hiring funnel, and whizz top talent through all recruitment stages.

Toggl Hire candidate view
Remote hiring, but a lot smooother.
Toggl Hire statistics

Faster, reliable candidate screening

Companies hiring remotely receive up to 10x more applications per job opening vs. in-office jobs. Replace manual CV screening with automated skills assessments and spot the top talent, faster.

Remote-first virtual interview process

Forget time zone differences. Record a video explaining the role and presenting your company, then invite global candidates for an online video interview. Review recordings online at your own pace, and share notes with the hiring team members.

Toggl Hire video interviews

Visual drag & drop hiring pipeline

Manage your whole recruitment process in a customizable Pipeline View. Get a visual overview of your global candidate pool at every stage of your hiring process. Use email templates to invite candidates to the next step, or reject those without the needed skill set. Collaborate with your team members and add notes, ratings, and tags to candidates.

Toggl Hire pipeline view
Cheat-Proof settings

Faster hiring process with automated screening.

Reduce screening time 86x with automated screening

Go from 500 applicants to the 50 strongest candidates in one afternoon. Use smart skills tests to see candidates’ real skills before the interviews. Set a threshold and immediately weed out those without the required skills for the job. Save time and only focus on the best talent.

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Become a company that remote employees love with instant online feedback.

Let candidates know his result

With high candidate volumes, it can be hard for recruiters to make sure everyone gets feedback. With Toggl Hire, both the employer and the candidate get instant access to the test results. Everything is fully customizable, so you can craft the message the way YOU want. 81% of the candidates love instant feedback, even if they do not get the offer from the company.

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Cheat-proof, so that you can trust the results you get.

Anti-cheating measures

Eliminate bias for both parties and build trust from the get-go. No two candidates get the same combination of questions on their test. You can track browser fingerprint, test completion time, and detect copy-paste without giving your candidates the creeps.

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Remote hiring with Toggl Hire

Set up skills assessment

Kick-off remote recruiting in minutes. Create your first job, set up smart skills assessment, and invite global candidates.

Advance top talent

Let automated screening filter out the best candidates for the role. Waste no time on bad-fit applicants, fast-track the superstars.

Hire with confidence

Make bad hires a thing of the past. Find and engage the best candidates only. Know who will succeed before you hire.

Stackable hiring pipeline for structured flexibility

Get your flow on – mix and match different types of skills assessments to create a role-specific hiring process. Assess, shortlist, hire.

Screen skills, not CVs

Ditch the CV. Get candidates to apply via quiz-like skills assessments and evaluate the skills needed on the job. Let the scoring system shortlist top performers for you.

Screen skills, not CVs

Put a face to a name

Run discovery interviews in your sleep – record an intro to invite candidates, select questions and watch the answers pour in. Review and assess videos at your convenience.

asynchronous video intros setup on toggl hire

Deep-dive into the practical

Discover what your candidates are really capable of by giving them real-world problems to solve. Get to the bottom of their thinking and practical know-how with ready-made assignments.

Deep-dive into the practical

Run productive interviews

Make the most out of your interviews. Ask pointy questions that reveal candidates’ motivations, character and interpersonal skills. Always come prepared without having to prepare.

Run productive interviews
Alexis Komarov
Each month we're receiving around 3,000 applications. After rolling out the Technical skills tests by Toggl Hire, we've been able to increase predictive confidence for inviting the candidate to a pre-screen call from 65% to 93%. Toggl Hire's quality exceeds the quality of other tools on the market, at a very competitive price point. We highly recommend the solution.
Alexis Komarov, Head of Talent Acquisition at Proxify
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Remote Recruitment Q&A

How is remote recruitment different?

In the last years, remote work has become highly desirable - while employees value better work-life balance, and higher flexibility; remote companies benefit from access to the global talent pool. When hiring globally, employers can receive hundreds or even thousands of applicants for each job opening, so there is a need to make sure their hiring process can cope with the volume without compromising candidate experience and time-to-hire.

How to start remote hiring?

First, consider what kind of remote work is most suitable to your company. Are you ready to take the plunge and become fully remote? Or do you prefer to start with a remote-friendly culture and allow workers to choose to work from home? This will likely impact your geographical scope when recruiting. A thought-through remote recruitment strategy can benefit companies in any scenario.

What are the most common remote hiring challenges?

Toggl Hire was born to help companies optimize their hiring process when going remote. First, be ready to get lots of candidates.  Another challenge is to assess and compare candidate qualifications and experience that can be wildly different. Our expert-built skills assessments make sure the playing field is even and all candidates get an equal chance to show their abilities.

Don’t candidates hate to take tests?

Not at all! Our user-friendly skills assessments take only about 15 minutes and over 80% of candidates applying to positions through Toggl Hire rate their experience positive.

What are the benefits of using video interviews?

Interviews can quickly become tedious when there are tens of applicants from a far away time zone. Video interviews make remote hiring easy by removing the need to schedule appointments. Instead, invite candidates to record their video answers and review at your own pace.

Find out more about hiring remotely


ABC to Hiring Remote Teams: A Practical Guide

Start building global teams by learning remote recruitment best practices.
read Our EbOOK
ABC to Hiring Remote Teams: A Practical Guide by Toggl Hire

Surprising Remote Work Statistics

Learn how working remotely benefits both employees, employers, and the world.
read blog article
Remote workers say

The Business of Remote Hiring

Learn how Proxify is nailing remote tech recruitment by finding top talent globally.
read THE Story
Remote developer at a desk

No need to reinvent hiring to make it work remotely. We’ve got the right tools to hire the best professionals.

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