tests: feature & pricing comparison

Discover why Toggl Hire's seamless tool is the future of pre-employment testing.

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screenshot of candidate test results on toggl hire

Compare pre-employment
testing tools

We make pre-employment testing easy with a beautiful tool that anyone can use.
Maximum value, minimal effort.
Roles you can hire for
Skills test generator
Automatic grading
Dedicated account manager
90% candidate satisfaction
Integrations with ATS tools
Public API
Personality and aptitude testing
Developers, product, marketing, sales, support
Automatic and customizable tests
Free to start
Paid plans from $17/mo
Automatic and customizable tests
Only at enterprise level
From $249/mo
Automatic and customizable tests
Pricing upon request
Developers, designers, product, finance
Pre-graded candidate pool
Commission- based
Customize tests from scratch
Pricing upon request
orange headshot of Paul technical lead at Toggl Track
“By removing unnecessary paperwork, we can hire new people in as little as 2-3 weeks from the time they apply, with very high confidence and very low turnover.”
Paul, Technical Lead at Toggl
Dunja headshot
“In just a day, we had over 75 candidates, and 3 of those were already marked as ‘potential hires’. It's a great feeling knowing I didn't have to go through 70+ resumes to find the perfect candidate.”
Dunja Lazic, VP of Marketing
Ho Yin headshot
“The best people aren't usually looking for a job, but when a great opportunity comes (literally) in front of them, they are interested. Toggl Hire helped us get the attention of these people.”
Ho Yin, Founder
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Trusted by 1,000+ companies worldwide

Toggl Hire helps teams across industries hire with confidence, identify the best talent, and cut time to hire by over 86%.
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trusted by 1000s of companies worldwide

Start hiring smarter today

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No credit card needed