The 5 Ways AI Recruitment Automation Is Changing Recruitment
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The 5 Ways AI Recruitment Automation Is Changing Recruitment

James Elliott James Elliott Last Updated:

Are you one of the 67% of recruiters using AI recruitment automation to save valuable time every day? 💻

If you’re not, we think you should be. That’s because artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation technologies are helping recruiters win the race for top talent by taking their talent pipeline to the next level. 🚀🚀🚀

In this article, we’ll look at how they’re making their entire hiring process smarter and more efficient. Then, we’ll provide some balance, too, as we’ll also look at some of the common risks of AI and give our views on the future of AI & automation in the recruitment industry.

Let’s get started!

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5 Ways AI Recruitment Automation & Machine Learning Is Making the Recruiting Process Smarter

Recruitment processes are notoriously slow and repetitious, but like many industries, automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are helping fix that. Let’s look at some of the top ways these technologies are empowering recruiters, hiring managers, and job seekers in 2023.

#1 – They’re Accelerating The Recruitment Process

Recruitment is full of repetitive tasks. Whether it’s writing job descriptions, posting job ads to job boards, candidate sourcing, CV screening, scheduling interviews, making phone calls, or running in-person interviews, there are so many recruiting tasks we’d all love to see the back of!

Recruiting automation is taking away the legwork across the entire talent acquisition process. There are now AI recruitment systems that automatically write job descriptions, handle resume screening, and schedule interviews without you having to do a thing.

What does this do? It speeds up the entire recruitment process by reducing time-to-hire, slashing hiring costs, and giving recruiters the bandwidth to focus on high-volume hiring.

It’s benefits like this that mean 36% of recruiters believe AI makes their jobs better and makes them better at their jobs in the process.

#2 – They Screen Candidates More Accurately & Efficiently

AI isn’t all about volume, though. Artificial intelligence helps recruiters enhance outcomes by creating higher quality across the entire recruitment process. This is perhaps felt the most in the candidate screening process for hiring, thanks to technologies such as skills testing.

Role-specific skills assessments take candidate screening from a full-day job to a task that takes just minutes. Skills assessments don’t focus on meaningless resumes; instead, they ask candidates to prove they can do the job by taking a short test.

These results help recruiters match candidates in seconds, easily separating the top talent from the rest of the pack to present hiring managers with the best options.

Skills tests help hiring teams accurately assess top talent as they’re far more reliable than words on a resume! Don’t believe us? Check out how we do skills tests here at Toggl Hire.

#3 – They Reduce Bias

The entire talent acquisition process is riddled with bias. And as humans, we can’t help it – we’re simply programmed to have some level of conscious and unconscious bias.

But, the best thing about machines? They aren’t biased. By introducing artificial intelligence into your hiring process, you can remove hiring bias to focus only on the skills and performance attributes that matter.

Crucially, that means you don’t miss out on the best talent, hiring only the most qualified candidates for your next position while boosting your fair chance hiring practices.

#4 – They Improve The Candidate Experience & Employer Brand

Hiring managers and recruiters often forget that the recruitment process is the first impression anyone will have of your organization. For that reason, you must optimize the candidate experience.

Automation & artificial intelligence are helping recruiters do just that by providing job seekers with instant feedback, delivering fast interview scheduling, and even mimicking human interaction to improve the entire talent lifecycle.

Candidate experience

What does all of this lead to? A slicker way to engage candidates during the employee selection process, giving them a great first impression of your business while boosting their overall candidate experience.

#5 – They Find The Best Talent & Reduce Risk

But it’s not all about screening candidates, boosting candidate experience, or automating repetitive tasks; artificial intelligence is great at finding you the best candidates too.

With AI recruitment software built into digital recruiting tools such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google, technologies such as programmatic job advertising provide a new way for hiring teams to connect with active and passive candidates across the globe.

This helps you build out a killer talent pool, providing you with a constant stream of the best candidates to fill your future roles.

But don’t worry, these aren’t like the old ‘fire and forget’ methods of the past. These tools help you minimize your risk by using complex algorithms to identify the most suitable candidate for the role and instantly assess candidates against a range of criteria and prediction models.

But Wait, What Are The Risks of Using Artificial Intelligence in The Hiring Process?

Like most things, using artificial intelligence and recruiting automation software isn’t without its flaws. If you’re looking to take on some new recruiting solutions, which incorporate AI-powered features, you need to watch out for these common risk areas.

#1 – You Need To Create Bias Control

While AI recruiting software isn’t inherently biased, it’s easy for recruiting teams to train it to emulate human bias without even knowing it. Whether it’s resume screening, screening candidates, or writing job descriptions, if you accidentally train the AI to have some unconscious bias, it will simply keep inflicting that bias on your candidates.

As recruitment professionals, it’s your job to keep the AI honest, ensuring quality candidates are consistently produced by your AI recruitment software. If this isn’t happening, it may point to some biased controls that need re-calibrating.

Relying too much on recruitment automation and AI tools can hurt the company's chances of finding great talent.
Relying too much on recruitment automation and AI tools can hurt the company’s chances of finding great talent.

#2 – They Can Repeat Mistakes

Much like AI bias, machine learning technologies are susceptible to data and human error.

If a machine learning algorithm does something once, it will think it’s doing well and continually repeat those results. If it is doing well, this type of recruiting automation is great. But, if it’s actually making mistakes, it will continue making those mistakes across your hiring processes.

That’s why it’s important to provide these intelligent machines with feedback continually, but also to keep your candidate data, talent pool data, and hiring team data up to date to avoid future mistakes.

As the saying goes, bad data in = bad data out.

#3 – AI Lacks True Human Judgement

Recruiting teams everywhere know that the secret to a great candidate doesn’t just lie in their skills and experience. In an increasingly remote world, having the right personality and moral values are essential to be a great company culture fit too.

And with more businesses hiring for cultural fit, that’s something that AI recruitment software simply can’t process just yet. That’s why no matter how good your AI recruiting tools are, you still need to combine them with the knowledge and expertise of great talent acquisition professionals when it comes to cultural fit hiring.

Our Take on The Future of Recruiting With AI & Automation

The stats don’t lie – early adopters of AI-powered recruiting software have seen their cost per screen decrease by 75% and turnover reduce by 35%. And even though there are more benefits to come, we don’t think AI recruitment software is here to replace recruiters anytime soon.

In fact, AI & recruiting automation are meant to help recruiters with tasks such as:

  • Automated job posting
  • Analyzing job boards
  • Writing job requirements
  • Candidate search
  • Identifying suitable candidates
  • Screening resumes (or replacing them altogether with skills tests)
  • Ranking candidates
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Assigning and assessing homework tasks
  • Suggest job offer parameters
  • And anything else you can imagine in the hiring cycle.

If AI recruiting software can do all of that, recruiters are free to build up relationships with relevant candidates, helping them through the recruitment process while maximizing the candidate experience.

But as we’ve seen, AI recruiting tools can be dangerous, so it’s all about using them wisely to enhance the process rather than risk making it worse.

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In the next five years, we predict more and more recruiters will make the shift to AI-powered hiring. It’ll be a common selling point on premium job boards such as Indeed, as well as within applicant tracking tools, skills assessment technologies, and video interview scheduling software.

Within Toggl Hire, we’ve got a whole host of AI and automation features on the horizon, such as enhancements to our automated email notifications, action-triggered pipeline automations, and automatic follow-ups.

Wrapping up

If you’re looking for a way to revolutionize your recruiting processes, AI recruiting tools are here to give you a helping hand.

Gone are the days of writing your own job openings, manually screening resumes, or scratching your head working out your most suitable candidates as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and recruiting automation do the heavy lifting for you.

So, why are you missing out on all of these great benefits? Take your hiring process to the next level, save yourself time, reduce bias, and find better candidates with AI-powered recruitment tools today!

James Elliott

James Elliott is a Strategy Manager and Writer from London, UK. When not working on the day job, James writes on a variety of business and project management topics with a focus on content that enables readers to take action and improve their ways of working. You can check out James’ work on his website or by connecting on LinkedIn.

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